Tuesday, November 9, 2010

"I'm not breakin' my tile!"

It is time once again for my weekly Survivor blog, and I would like to apologise to my few faithful readers. My last blog was rushed and I don't feel as though I put enough heart into it, and it looks like this one might be the same way. Sorry if it isn't very interesting.

The tribes merged on this episode. Everyone loves when the tribes merge. New alliances form and each player begins playing the game as an individual instead of for a team. I am not quite sure of the new tribe name. I like the meaning of it, just not the name itself. But that may have something to do with the fact that Marty came up with it. I think I would like the name a whole lot more if, say, Kelly came up with it. That way we would know she was still in the game.

NaOnka stole flour, pans, etc. I am not quite sure why she did this. It almost seemed as if she was upset with the tribe and decided to go off on her own and have a temper tantrum. Was that really the way to deal with it? Whatever her reason, it could come back and bite her in the butt.

I loved the challenge, mainly because I love the endurance challenges. Those are my favorites. They show just how strong a person really is. How cute was Jane?! She held up the longest out of the women, and even though she was technically done with the challenge, she continued to stick with it. Of course she revealed later that she did it "just to beat Marty." I love that woman. Next to Holly, she is my favorite.

I must say I wasn't very impressed with the way Marty spoke about Jane at Tribal Council. Unfortunately, I do think he is 100%, without a doubt, correct. If I was on the jury and Jane made it to the finals, that woman would get my vote, hands down.

I would be short-changing all of you if I left out my Dan comment for the week. Did he actually have a reason for mentioning the NaOnka incident at tribal when they were talking about something entirely different? It seemed kind of random to me. And why is he still there? He and Kelly really need to be the next ones to go. Kelly reminds me of Natalie from Samoa, and I would really hate to have the winner of this season be someone who didn't do anything to earn the win and was hardly ever on the air.

My girl Holly is still in it! Way to represent South Dakota, my friend!


  1. I am really disappointed with this season. I am not very connected to the cast. I don't really think they are doing all that much.

  2. I love your blogs hun even if they are rushed. U do a great job!! Dan mentioned Nay as a way to stick up for Marty. He is learning.lol He didn't care for Nay's actions and he felt she should go because of it. I guess he assumed Marty was in trouble so he thought he'd put the pressure on Nay. I agree!! Marty made a very good case for why Jane should go. It makes valid game sense. Plus Holly looked great and almost won the female part of it keeping right up there with Jane. GO HOLLY!!!
