Thursday, November 18, 2010

"Chase needs to grow a pair"

Every Wednesday night as I sit down to watch Survivor, I have a pen and paper handy so that I can write down a few things I want to put in my blog. I had three different choices written down for a possible title and they were all good ones, but I couldn't help myself. I had to go with a quote from Benry (at least I think it was Benry. It is not easy paying attention to the show AND writing down everything I want to say.) It's a great quote, and it is definitely true.

And not only should Chase grow a pair, but Chase appears, to me at least, to be somewhat of an idiot. Sure, Brenda is cute, but she would've cut him loose the first chance she got. I believe he is thinking with the wrong head out there!

Let's talk about the reward challenge. The only thing I really have to say about it is this: If you put a barrel on it's side, then we the audience shouldn't hear, "Oh no, it's rolling!" Um, what exactly are you expecting it to do?!

And I officially want to go volcano-boarding. It looks amazing! I think I will add that to my bucket list. Well, I would if I had a bucket list.

I really love how Holly is playing the game. She was putting bugs in the ears of just about everyone out there about Brenda and why it is crucial to vote her out. She is doing an exceptional job out there and I couldn't be more proud of our SD girl! I can even overlook the fact that she dropped that "F" bomb.

The endurance immunity challenges have always been my favorite ones, and last night's was a doozy. It looked very difficult. I am having a hard time with the fact that Dan did better at it than at least three other people, including Holly. I am not quite sure what to say about that, except that there is a first time for everything. Jane was very impressive in that challenge. She rocked it and she is simply amazing!

My favorite part of last night's episode was at Tribal Council when Jeff asked Kelly for her 20 years of wisdom. First of all, she looked surprised that she was being asked to speak, then she became flustered and blurted out something that made no sense at all. I am really glad she gave us her deep thoughts. I am sorry, Kelly, that editing made you look foolish. But yet I am not sorry. It was funny as hell to watch!

I think the fire at camp was the last thing Libertad was expecting to have happen. They were devastated by it and lost many of their belongings.

Brenda was voted out. Was it a good thing? Probably. But I think she would have made a better winner than Dan, Kelly, or Chase. They aren't really doing anything to earn the million dollars and the title of Sole Survivor. If one of those three end up winning, I may need to stop watching Survivor.

I am undecided as to whether I will do a blog next week since the next episode is the recap one. I guess I could always write a blog on how I feel about the Russell/Rob season coming up. I definitely have some strong opinions on that!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

"Dumb and dumber"

Interestingly enough, I love and admire every person who has ever been on Survivor. Every single one of them. I have watched them week after week on my favorite TV show. There are some who irritate me, some who make me yawn, and others who are amazing in my eyes and can do no wrong. But this is just what we see on television. And I am sure that what we see on TV is different than the real person in everyday life. This brings me to my discussion of Marty. Anytime I see him on Survivor, he grates on my nerves in a huge way. I don't know why, but I don't want to look at him or listen to him speak. I, for one, am glad he was voted out. But even though he irritates me on the show, I truly believe he is an amazing man in his everyday life. Would I hang out and have a beer with him? Absolutely. And how about NaOnka? She is quite the pistol! She fascinates me with her ghetto ways. But I bet she is a beautiful woman when not on television.

As always, I enjoyed the reward challenge. It was a fun one! It was an obstacle course of different activities, such as breaking through a wall of bricks. Oddly, it ended up being men against women. The ladies gave it their all but the men ended up winning.

The reward that the men were able to enjoy was zip-lining through Nicaragua. It was fun to watch them enjoying themselves. I had my fingers crossed for Dan, though. I didn't want to see the poor man fall or get mud on himself.

I was pleased with the immunity memory challenge. I know I couldn't've gotten half of those right.

Now, is it just me or is there alot of people in awe of the fact that the people this season are disgusted when someone lies? Why is this such a big deal to some people? Survivor is a television competition show. The prize is one million dollars! You may have to put up with annoying people and lies. These people are doing what they have to do for that money. I could never understand why people would complain so much about JT being annoying. "We just can't deal with an annoying person. Why is this journey towards a million dollars not easy?" Put on your big boy/girl pants and deal with the lying and irritating people.

My favorite quote of the episode came from Fabio: "It's so easy playing stupid." Playing?!

What the hell was with Marty's walk after voting at Tribal Council???? Was that his cocky "I'm not being voted out" walk? Epic fail!

The previews for next week are intriguing. Everyone seems to be looking down at the ground in horror. A friend of mine told me he thinks it is Dan, who finally kicked the bucket. I am going with that.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

"I'm not breakin' my tile!"

It is time once again for my weekly Survivor blog, and I would like to apologise to my few faithful readers. My last blog was rushed and I don't feel as though I put enough heart into it, and it looks like this one might be the same way. Sorry if it isn't very interesting.

The tribes merged on this episode. Everyone loves when the tribes merge. New alliances form and each player begins playing the game as an individual instead of for a team. I am not quite sure of the new tribe name. I like the meaning of it, just not the name itself. But that may have something to do with the fact that Marty came up with it. I think I would like the name a whole lot more if, say, Kelly came up with it. That way we would know she was still in the game.

NaOnka stole flour, pans, etc. I am not quite sure why she did this. It almost seemed as if she was upset with the tribe and decided to go off on her own and have a temper tantrum. Was that really the way to deal with it? Whatever her reason, it could come back and bite her in the butt.

I loved the challenge, mainly because I love the endurance challenges. Those are my favorites. They show just how strong a person really is. How cute was Jane?! She held up the longest out of the women, and even though she was technically done with the challenge, she continued to stick with it. Of course she revealed later that she did it "just to beat Marty." I love that woman. Next to Holly, she is my favorite.

I must say I wasn't very impressed with the way Marty spoke about Jane at Tribal Council. Unfortunately, I do think he is 100%, without a doubt, correct. If I was on the jury and Jane made it to the finals, that woman would get my vote, hands down.

I would be short-changing all of you if I left out my Dan comment for the week. Did he actually have a reason for mentioning the NaOnka incident at tribal when they were talking about something entirely different? It seemed kind of random to me. And why is he still there? He and Kelly really need to be the next ones to go. Kelly reminds me of Natalie from Samoa, and I would really hate to have the winner of this season be someone who didn't do anything to earn the win and was hardly ever on the air.

My girl Holly is still in it! Way to represent South Dakota, my friend!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


This is a small excerpt from the book I am in the process of writing. It is a very tiny sampling, but this gives you an idea of my writing style, how I put sentences together, etc.

~Dust swirled around the hem of her dress, indicating the lack of rain Brunswick had been suffering from. She looked around anxiously for the man she was to be meeting. She had no idea what he looked like. In fact, she knew very little about him.~

I know it is just one paragraph, but I hope it piqued your interest and you want to read my book when it is finished! Let me know!

"You can milk your own milk"

I decided the title of this week's blog should be a quote from Purple Kelly. I wasn't sure if or even when she would say anything again, so I wanted to give her some recognition. Way to go, Kelly, for making sure your first confessional would be remembered!

At the opening of the episode, Chase makes the comment, "Based on Dan's performance, I really hope keeping him doesn't come back to bite us in the butt." Um, I agree! People. This is what I have been saying all along. I understand where they are coming from by keeping him around because he isn't a threat. But is he an asset? What the hell would Dan be, anyway?

And speaking of Dan, as I always am, how about that reward challenge? Really, Dan?! REALLY?? My 90-year old grandpa could've done more smoothly than you did. And I wonder if anyone else noticed the excitement on Purple Kelly's face after she got her ball in the net. She probably knew that would get on the air.

LaFlor's communication seemed to suck in the immunity challenge. Fabio told Brenda and Purple Kelly that they need to talk about things together and Kelly got pissy with him. If we could ever see her personality come out, I think we would find her a very delightful young woman. I think. I'm not sure, though.

I would comment on Marty giving the idol away, but I can't. I still don't understand it. Does this make him stupid? Does this make him smart? Is he too trusting, and does he really trust that the others will keep him in the game? Will they? I need answers!

This is a shorter blog than I usually write, but I just didn't think there were enough things to mention this week. But, I am happy to say that NaOnka can now say she has touched a cow's nipple. I'm sure her mother is so proud.