Saturday, October 9, 2010

Survivor Nicaragua episode 4....another opinion of mine

Usually by episode 4, we fans have our favorite players chosen and opinions of each. We even have our own ideas about how the voting should go and why. I, too, have my own opinions of the players and about the game of Survivor itself. My opinions are my own, and I have found that they are not always very popular with others. For example, I think Russell should've won in Samoa, not Natalie. Don't get me wrong, I have absolutely nothing against Natalie, but I feel she didn't work as hard for the title of Sole Survivor as Russell did. That man played the game and did whatever he needed to do and still came up short. He upset people on the jury so they decided to give Natalie the million dollars for doing really nothing but killing a rat. That is very sad to me.

Basically, I am leading up to this past week's episode. I was one of the few who weren't happy with the outcome. I really didn't see the point of voting out Jimmy T. over someone like Dan. I understand the editing and all of that, and I also realize we probably didn't hear half of JT's annoying whining. I am quite positive it was torture being stranded out there with this man who never shut up. But Survivor is a competition. It is a game show, really. The prize is one million dollars, for cryin' out loud! Shouldn't these people who come to play the game have to endure a few unpleasant things? Perhaps an empty tummy and cold, sleepless nights and, dare I say it, an annoying man who whines and talks to much? I say if you are competing for one million dollars, suck it up, people! Work for that million!

They chose to keep Dan around instead of JT. Now, if you ask me, I say Dan should've been sent packing last week. "Let's send home a guy who bitches and whines but can actually perform in challenges and help us win ove a guy who bitches and whines about getting mud on him and can barely move! Yes! We are geniuses!"

We all know there is a tribal switch coming up, and whoever gets stuck with Dan is going to end up voting him off right away, and if they don't I will be surprised.

I really admire Holly for what she said at Tribal Council. "Give the guy a chance." Exactly.


  1. if their intent was to keep the tribe stronger, heck yeah get rid of Dan.. but me personally would have kept Dan around. just because as long as he's there.. i'm not the target. i can beat him! in anything! i wouldn't have gotten rid of him either. Marty or Holly would be on my radar if i was on the older tribe.. just because i don't take being bossed around too lightly & Holly seems the most physically fit of the old folks..

    & i agree with you about Russell. Natalie didn't do ANYTHING. nothing AT ALL. she even said herself at final 5 "oh well its either me or Jaison. i lasted longer than i thought i would".. and to make it worse she didn't even latch on to Russell's coattails. she didn't even float her way to the end. there's a difference in floating to the end and what she did. Russell picked her up and put her under his wing and carried her there!

  2. i agree with Dan needing to have left Julie. and that i love what Holly said at tribal!
