Wednesday, March 2, 2011


I know I said I wasn't going to blog about Survivor this season. I never did get around to blogging about the finale of last season. But when I first heard about the whole Rob vs. Russell idea, I found it to be ludicrous. Honestly. This is Rob's fourth time playing the game of Survivor and Russell's third. How many times do we need to bring any of these past players back?! Enough with the overkill already!
Another reason I found this concept to be ridiculous is because I knew without a doubt that this whole season was going to be purposely set up to make Rob out to be the king of Survivor and Russell the dumb ass. After watching tonight's episode, I know I am right. I knew that Russell was going to be targeted from the very start based only on America's perception of him. Everyone sees Russell as the biggest asshole on the planet and there is a reason for that. He brought that on himself. I am a Russell fan and even I can recognize that. But here is something to think about: Let's pretend Stephenie LaGrossa came back to play the game and she was no longer God's gift to America, but instead she was a female version of Russell. She was rude, mean, obnoxious, everything that Russell is right now. I know (and so do the rest of you) that everyone would be bowing down to her, and she would quite possibly win, or at the very least get to the end. Why? Because she is Stephenie. America loves her and her chances of winning would increase just for that reason. She hasn't always been nice and yet everyone thinks she is the greatest thing since sliced bread! And anyone who disagrees with that is not being truthful.
I was (and honestly still am) livid after witnessing tonight's episode. Did that tribe of idiots really outwit, outplay and outlast Russell? They did indeed outlast him. However, that isn't much of a feat if you ask me. Dan outlast quite a few more worthy players in Nicaragua, but that doesn't mean he would have been worthy to claim the title of sole Survivor. Did the tribe outwit Russell? Um, once again, no they did not. He knew very well they threw the challenge! Did they outplay him? Um, They had to LOSE and purposely suck in order to get rid of him!
I cannot believe all of these knuckleheads that go on Survivor and apparently think it is going to be a vacation in the Bahamas. They are out there playing for one million dollars. God forbid they should have to deal with someone annoying! Oh no! I have heard people say Russell is annoying, Russell is mean and rude, etc. Who the hell cares?! You people sound like you want a bunch of mute Purple Kelly clones walking around! Shut up already! I say if you want to earn that million dollars then suck it all up, for cryin' out loud! I would think trying your very best in all challenges and THEN kicking Russell's ass would be much more rewarding instead of taking the lazy way out!
What are these so-called competition shows coming to anyway?! The first episode of Amazing Race pissed me off as well. Half of those damn teams made it farther in the game without even having to complete the damn quote! I wish I was running that show. I would've made them all go back and solve it! Absolutely ridiculous! Sorry, but I think before you brag to the world that you played such a terrific game you need to make sure you played hard and to the best of your ability and not go at it half-assed. Example: It grates on my nerves watching people play Super Mario Bros. and take every single warp zone they can find, then brag how they have the game mastered. Um, you sure as hell do not! Play the game in it's entirety with NO warp zones and then when you are staring the princess in the eye, then we will talk!
I do still love Survivor, and even though it greatly upset me tonight, I do have to say that I liked the gray-haired dude (Steve, I think?) lying to Russell about who is on Redemption Island. Now THAT is playing the game!
Aside from this particular episode, I am expecting great things from this season. I just hope it doesn't disappoint me by being an actual Rob/Russell ending because I know without a doubt that it will purposely be set up for Rob to win, possibly a "who can be the nicest" dual or something.
I hope everyone is enjoying the show so far. Is it just me or could Julie pass for Scout's twin?!
(Wow, this blog wasn't as bitchy as I thought it would be!)